car engine overheating in summer... a problem that has a solution

 overheating is one of the biggest problems faced by drivers, especially after the summer temperatures rise, when you often find cars parked on the side of the road, the owner opens the hood in hopes of fixing the situation or waiting for help from a friend, and here are the most important causes of engine heat and ways to avoid it soon.

- Damage to the cooling fan behind the radiator is one of the most important reasons for the high temperature of the engine, as stopping its operation causes the temperature to rise above 90 degrees Celsius, which can damage the head, which costs exorbitantly to the engine. money vehicle driver, so it is better to follow the temperature gauge throughout the driving period, especially in summer, so that it will stop immediately if the temperature exceeds 90 degrees until it reaches the boiling point.

The cooling fan can also be damaged, but incompletely, as its rotation speed decreases and in this case the temperature will also increase, and this appears on hot summer days, which must also follow the constant temperature indicator.

- Another unforeseen problem that raises the temperature, as the cooling fan stops turning, although there is no failure, and the reason is specific to the car electrical, which is the damage to the fuse of the fan itself,

- Periodic maintenance of the radiator is one of the most important steps that maintains the engine, and its maintenance is divided into two parts, external maintenance that requires washing the radiator from the outside once a year to clean the dust that

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It causes clogging of the ventilation ducts, which increases the temperature of the engine.

Regarding internal maintenance, it is necessary to clean the entire internal cooling cycle, including the radiator and the engine itself, with green water for cooling, not ordinary tap water, which leads to rust within the cooling cycle, which leads to to engine overheating. as well as damage to the water pump.

- Radiator cap damage also leads to water leakage and engine overheating as the air entering the cooling cycle causes the engine to overheat; Therefore, it is recommended to drain the air before installing the radiator cap after water change by pressing the accelerator pedal several times, which causes air bubbles to come out from inside the radiator, so the cap is installed.

The use of automotive air conditioning in times of traffic stoppage, where the car engine suffers from slow movement only in first and second gear, and at the same time distributes part of its ability to operate the air conditioning, and this defect often appears in older cars.

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